Mum's Life

Mum's post about why love is in the little things will melt you

What is true love to you? Is it candlelit dinners and diamond rings, flash mobs and elaborate declarations of affection? Or is it something much smaller, much simpler? 

Mum-of-one, Brittney Johnson was just passing through the pharmacy when she encountered a tiny but powerful act of love. 

When she spotted a man shopping alone in the cosmetics aisle, she took to Facebook to share the rest of the story. 

According to Johnson, the man was on the phone to his wife, trying his best to find the exact shade of olive nail polish she likes:

"Then he took a picture and sent it to her and she called to help him. He says, “Ok, so I sent you the pic. Is that the right one? You wanna know the colours close to it? You just want all three colours??”

This is all it takes to show true love, not "flowers and cards", but listening to your other half, going out of your way to make them feel safe and special. It is, going back to Johnson, "effort": 

"Showing someone that whatever is special to them means something to you because they want it, or need it, or just really like it. Putting yourself a little out of your comfort zone. Letting yourself feel foolish sometimes for the sake of making your girl (or man) happy."

Romance is in the little things, like "being time, and proof that you’ve actually listened, and support of the things that set that person’s soul on fire."

Johnson encourages those reading to never settle for less because someday someone "will love you enough to will love you enough to go shopping alone for your favourite nail polish."

Her message of not taking the little things for granted seems to have struck a chord with many others: 

So ladies, if he ventures into the make-up aisle for you or searches high and low for that exact brand of tampons you need, you've got yourself a keeper! 


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