Mum's photo of her breast milk after three days will leave you shocked
It is the choice of every mother whether she wants to breastfeed or bottle feed.
And either way, we're firm believers at MagicMum that fed is best.
But every now and then, even we are shocked as to the things a woman's body can control.
Ashlee Chase is a mum who has been berated for nursing her seven-month-old daughter, with people often telling her it's time to begin weaning the tot.
Mum has stood firm firm on her decision though, and rightly so, as she feels it is the best decision for her daughter.
Nonetheless when her little came down with a fever, even Mum was left amazed at how her breast milk changed for Elliot's needs.
There is a wide perception that when breastfeeding, the mammary gland receptors can interpret a baby's backwash spit, checking for bacteria and viruses.
In turn if it does detect something amiss, a mum's body will change the milk's immune composition, tailoring to the baby's pathogens.
Ashlee took a photo of two batches of breastmilk to further prove this theory and show why she continues to breastfeed; the top photo of the white milk is from three days ago, when Elliot was healthy.
However, after nursing most of the night after Elliot had suffered from a fever, Mum revealed her second container of milk which is a cream colour.
The change of colour signifies the nutrients which have packed the second batch of breastmilk to help aid little Elliot's recovery.
Ashlee stated: "Top milk is from three days ago when a healthy Elliot was nursing. Bottom is from today, after sick Elliot with a fever comfort nursed all night. This."
Such a fascinating snapshot – what an amazing thing the human body is.
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