
Mum's hilarious Instagram shows why kids are just the worst

Has your toddler ever misbehaved, and although you know you should be stern it’s all you can do not to burst out laughing? Children are so naturally funny that sometimes it’s just impossible to keep a straight face, even if they’ve covered themselves in your expensive for-special-occasions-only face cream or shouted really loudly in the supermarket, ‘Mum, why is that man so fat?!’

Mum Anna McFarlane knows this all too well, prompting her to create the affectionately-titled Kids Are The Worst Instagram page, documenting the hilarious things kids get up to when you turn your back for one second.


That crime of the month. ••• ••• #PaddedWallsCuzMomIsGonnaGoCrazy photo thanks to @tinybeanskids #kidsaretheworst

A photo posted by #kidsaretheworst (@kidsaretheworst) on

This caption… we are lolling

But Mum, I was just doing some subtle redecorating in the latest autumnal shade!


Soiled the rug again. #KeepKidsAwayFromPot(s) photo thanks to @lifelovesleah #kidsaretheworst

A photo posted by #kidsaretheworst (@kidsaretheworst) on

Some people just want to watch the world burn

Look Mum, we're little angels!


He ain't hungry, he's my brother. #StepUpToTheFridge photo thanks to @sweetbeedesign #kidsaretheworst

A photo posted by #kidsaretheworst (@kidsaretheworst) on

But you're always telling us about teamwork!


Powdered donuts? Yes. Powdered kids? No. #BabyPowdered photo thanks to @yassssss_bish89 #kidsaretheworst

A photo posted by #kidsaretheworst (@kidsaretheworst) on

NOW I'm done Mum!

Look Mum, I'm a grown up like you! 

What hijinks have your little ones got up to that will make us giggle?

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