Family Life

Mum reflects on her biggest parenting failure becoming a blessing

Habitual Mama Tracy, had thought she became a failure. 

Her parenting skills weren't up to the standards she had previously set for herself. 

Tracy became a mum for the first time when her tot Jacob entered the world, but when he was just three-months old, Baby Jacob, was comfortably sleeping beside Mum and Dad each night. 

The mum-of-one felt this was the opposite to what she had hoped, believing allowing her son to co-sleep was her biggest parenting fail. 

"We've been co-sleeping since Jacob was about three-months-old when I got to the point where I couldn't handle keeping my eyes open during those dreaded night feeds," explained Mum. 

"I said to myself that I would never ever endanger my child by sleeping in the same bed, but here I was giving in."

Many people dislike the act of co-sleeping due to the risk of suffocation, nonetheless, as with everything there are risks unfortunately. 

However, what works for one family, may not work for another, and once specific routines are practised properly, it can be the difference between a happy home or a sleep deprived household.  

"It started off with us co-sleeping from 5am then it got earlier and earlier, till we were co-sleeping right through the night."

"From something that was originally viewed as being one of my biggest failures as a parent, is now one of the biggest blessings that I have ever experienced."

Tracy credits co-sleeping for creating the closeness which she shares with her tot, admitting to the beauty of seeing her family all sleeping in the same bed. 

"I would be lying to say that I have never felt scared of suffocating him (at first) or that the reins were a little tight, but at the same time it has been a beautiful feeling."

Nevertheless, the mum is in the midst of training her son into sleeping in his cot due to various reasons, sharing: "Getting kicked in the face is one of them."

But she also alludes to the fact she'll miss having him by her side during the night, so for the last night they'll be sharing a bed, Tracy will be cuddling Jacob that little bit tighter.

We want to know can you relate to this – have you ever co-slept, do you find it bonds you closer with your children?

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