Mum perfectly describes the mental load of motherhood and it's too true
Meredith Ethington perfectly summed up motherhood through Perfection Pending, and every single one of us can relate.
Taking to the blog, Meredith describes the thoughts which circle every mother's head on a day to day basis following work.
Trying to think of a hundred different things you need to do in the house, coupled with another hundred things you need to have for the kids, and not forgetting about the pets either – it's tough.
"Did I put the laundry in the dryer? Did I hit send on that email? Is it too late to register the eight-year-old for soccer that is six months away? Are they caught up on their shots for school? Do we need more cat food? I should clean out their closets."
These are just a fraction of the thoughts we have, leading us to believe the mental strain we put on ourselves can sometimes overwhelm us, and we end up in a state of exhaustion.
But Meredith does allude to something which hits home; posting a simple caption alongside a picture of her husband, Mum states:
"THOUGHTS DADS HAVE AFTER A LONG DAY OF WORK: I'm going to lay down here and take a nap real quick."
The snap depicts her husband, who had just arrived home from night-shift taking a well deserved time-out for a quick nap.
However, the mum-of-three is not trying to run down the role a father plays in the household, she is simply pointing out how mums over-think every single detail.
"My husband is amazing. He does dishes after work, helps put kids to bed, and works really hard WITH me at the end of a long day, so I'm more than happy that he gets a quick nap in."
"This is more about the MENTAL load women carry that men often don't. Not a shot at my husband who is an amazing provider, husband and father."
And it is quite true; women tend to put more pressure on themselves to carry a 'perfect' household, while men have different ways of going through the motions – they deal with one thing at a time.
Meredith's post has most definitely struck a chord, and we're sure mums everywhere are taking a moment to relax.