Mum opens up about ‘near miss’ in her home, asking society to STOP
Bec Crombie is a mum of two, who has openly admitted to having a near miss in the kitchen with her baby.
Most parents would never admit to these situations for fear or shame, but Bec alludes to this when revealing her story.
The mum was in the kitchen making dinner, she had just finished cutting and peeling the potatoes, her daughter playing on the ground beneath her.
Leaving the knife on the chopping board, Bec took a step to the left to check on the corn.
And in that split second the unthinkable happened.
Bec’s daughter Nylah had stood up on her own, having never done this before the mum wasn't prepared.
The toddler reached up to the board, pulling it down, in turn sending the 20cm knife resting on the board in a downward spiral.
Luckily, the knife missed Nylah by mere centimetres and she didn’t receive a single scratch.
However, the incident still made a lasting impression on mum Bec.
“My heart sank. I felt sick, and still do. At the thought of the shoulda, coulda and wouldas, and how quick everything just happened, within the blink of an eye.”
The post, titled, I almost killed her, does not intend to seek attention but to help parents be vigilant and understanding.
“I’ve copped so much shit in the past for being a ‘helicopter’ parent, or one that is overly cautious.”
Bec added: “I’ve always worn it on the chin because I know at the end of the day, it’s better to be safe than sorry.”
Accidents like these happen every day, and as we are all aware we would need ten pairs of eyes to keep an eye on our little adventurers at times.
Therefore in an effort for parents to be more understanding of each person’s situation, and to raise awareness that accidents do happen, Bec stated:
“We should NEVER judge another mother or family in the face of tragedy (or ever really?).”
“All too often I see comments on social media in relation to tragedies and accidents saying things like, ‘How could that even happen’, ‘Where were the parents?’, ‘That would NEVER happen to me’.”
"Truth is it CAN happen to you, these types of things happen to EVERYDAY people EVERYDAY. They are labelled ‘accidents’ for a reason, they are purely accidental, freak occurrences."
Leading Bec to ask society to: "Please, keep comments, opinions and judgements to yourself, and take these incidents as lessons and warnings to always stay on the ball."
Signing off the mum added: “Hug your babies tighter tonight, because I know I will be.”
Accidents happen to the best of us every single day, let us mums be more supportive of one another.