
Mum-of-three stops mummy shamers in their tracks with THIS Facebook post

Taking to Facebook, a Michigan mum has called out mum shamers.

In her candid post,  Jenni Friske outlines issues that mums face daily and are often shamed for. She is completely open about many aspects of her parenting, from vaccinations to discipline, all things that are often hot topics for mummy shamers. 

In this post, the outspoken mother discusses returning to work six weeks after the birth of her third daughter.


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A post shared by Jenni Friske (@jennidfriske) on

She talks about breastfeeding her little one for as long as she was able, which in this mum's case, was two weeks – and that she shouldn't be judged for that.

Breastfeeding is a difficult process both physically and emotionally for mums and not everyone is able to do it for as long as they would like, or even at all. Her honesty about it is so important to show other mothers that they are not alone in their struggles, and it's not something that anybody should be shamed for.

"She nursed like a champ, for about 2 weeks, and then the same thing happened as it did with the twins. The milk stopped producing. For those of you who do not believe this can happen it does."

Jenni talks openly about her kids being left in the care of their father and that this is perfectly ok. That their dad loves them and just as capable of looking after them.

She is completely honest about needing her own identity, outside of being a mother. The mum reveals that if she had to be a stay at home mother, she would begin to resent her children and her husband. However, that doesn't mean she doesn't love her family, she just knows what is best for them all.

And in this case, that is her working. Jenni says that she is envious of women who are capable of being stay at home mums and that it is one of the hardest jobs of all.

"If I stayed home I would come to resent my husband and my children. But don't think, for one second, that I do not love my children just the same. I love them so much that I can admit my shortcomings."


A post shared by Jenni Friske (@jennidfriske) on

We are sure this sentiment will resonate with so many mums out there, but it is something that is not publicly discussed enough. 

Throughout the post Jenni says how happy and healthy and loved her baby girl is. When it comes to parenting, isn't this the most important thing?

This mum's love for her daughters is obvious throughout the post, it is clear that every decision she makes is because of the love she has for them. And that includes going back to work when she feels her and her daughter are ready for it.

We applaud Mum for her honesty about all aspect of motherhood, even the difficult parts. Have you experienced mummy shaming?

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