Big Kids

Mum bursts into tears following a meeting with her son’s future teacher, and we can't cope

Danielle is a mum-of-two; she has a four-year-old son and a two-year-old daughter.

But her little boy has autism, which made finding a school that will cater to his needs a difficult, anxiety-filled process for the mum.

However, when she went to meet with the principal Danielle never believed she would leave in tears.


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The tears though were tears of absolute joy.

Feeling alone while fearing the worst for her son’s education, Danielle was reassured her little prince would be well cared for by someone who understood his needs.

In a post on Someone’s Mum, Danielle said:

“His needs are complex. Gross motor skills, fine motor skills social interaction, self-care, language processing, sensory processing – they do not match the skills of the other 4-year-olds who will begin this journey with him.”

Taking the time to explain her son’s story to his potential future principal, Danielle was afraid this would not be the right place for him, but she was surprised to realise it was the perfect place.

The principal assured the mum-of-two “she will begin visits to his nursery at once and start advertising for the right person to support him.”

“She will arrange for extra sessions, throughout the summer term, to ensure that he gets to know the new environment well before September,” added Danielle.


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Upon hearing the news, Danielle realised what the outcome would mean for her family, and especially for her son.

Her four-year-old boy was going to be safe and secure in his school life, leading to the mum crying tears of happiness.

Have you ever felt like this at your child's school? Has the process been different for you in some way?

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