Family Life

Mum believes sacrifice is a thing of the past, and it will help your children too

We've all been there; given up something that we loved for the sake of our children. 

Let it mean we can't go for a much loved evening run, or our Saturday brunch meetings with mates have become a distant memory. 

We have all given something away at some stage or other. It's called sacrifice. Mum's are notorious for sacrificing their lives for the children's sake. 

Mummy blogger Constance Hall has shed some light on sacrifice, and the thoughts she's heard from mums the world over:

"You sacrifice everything to be a mum, sleep, your body, the time you spend on your hair, shitting alone, drinking, socialising. While your partner sacrifices, some of his money, a bit of his weekend."

But it's not all plain sailing is it, as Constance alludes to the fact; even after sacrifice, you are still scrutinised and judged on what kind of a mother you are.

However, she gracefully points out that sometimes it can feel you're the only person sacrificing something: "Lover boy is questioned on… not a lot."

"Your child drives you bay shit crazy and you lose your patience, your libido got the f**k out of here with your patience somewhere between your lover never waking with the baby and his expectations of a hot dinner as he graces you with his presence…. after a pub detour."

"Your children fall asleep and the guilt floods your heart. How could you lose your temper on this angel?"

"You hate yourself because you can't be f***ed f***ing, your temper is short, your house is a mess and you never went back to f***ing work so your inner feminist is constantly whispering what a shitty role model you have become… to yourself."

Making the mum-of-four believe that maybe it's time us mums went back to the beginning, start all over again, without sacrificing everything.

"What if we let our community help us so we could do that f***ing art course or save up for that solo holiday that became a distant memory the minute we conceived, […], what if from the very beginning we demanded more from our sexuality?"

"Maybe the resentment and frustration just wouldn't survive, maybe we wouldn't have to yell at the kids, ignore the lover. There might be no reason to feel guilt and hate ourselves."

This led Constance to reveal that in her eyes, the sacrificial mother is a thing of the past; and this is something no one should have to argue with:

"You owe it to your kids to put yourself first. Teach them that being a mother means showing them what it really means to be a woman and not a p***ed off old cow."

"Your life is coming back. You are coming back."

Let's take it all back mums, get out there and do you! 

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