'I totally understand': 7 things I want all new mamas to know
Being a mum is one of the most rewarding, hardworking jobs out there.
And one that never ends from the moment that gorgeous little baba is handed over to you.
However, being a mum for the first time is incredibly terrifying. Not only have you been given the biggest responsibility ever, your hormones are all over the place, and everything suddenly looks very different.
And it can feel a little lonely.
As a mum myself, I understand this sense of being on your own; of feeling like you're doing everything wrong.
And there are a few things that I wish someone would have said to me when I first became a mum; just a couple of things that would have made my life a lot easier.
So I'm sharing them with you:
1. It IS hard
No matter what Instagram, Pinterest or that friend from school that you started following on Facebook 10 years ago would have you believe, being a new mum is incredibly hard. It is not all cute breastfeeding photos or coffees with fellow mamas, it is exhausting and tiring. And you are NOT the only one who is finding it hard.
2. You are NOT the only one
Whether your baby is struggling to latch on or you're feeling incredibly overwhelmed, you are not the only one. While it might feel like that at times, it is important to understand that there is someone out there who is going through the exact same thing. And you are NOT alone.
3. It is OK to cry
Not only are your emotions all over the place, but, girl, you've just been catapulted into an entirely different world filled with nappies and sleepless nights. It is OK to cry. It does not mean that you are failing. It does not mean that you don't love your baby. It just means that you are human. That you are tired. That you are a mum. Please don't ever try to hide those tears.
4. Please ask for help
Asking your partner to watch the baby while you sleep doesn't mean you are a bad mum; accepting the dinners your sister so kindly makes for you doesn't mean you can't cope; telling your midwife that you are struggling doesn't mean you are failing. Raising a child takes a village, and as a mum who wanted to do everything myself, I think this is the most important thing mums should do.
5. You will mourn these days when your baby gets older
Trust me, as a mum to a ten-year-old, you do mourn the newborn days when they are over – so please, please try to enjoy the little moments. Yes, they are hard; yes, they are exhausting and yes, at the time, if can feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, but trust me – you'll never get these days back.
6. Print off those photos
If you are anything like I was, your phone is packed with hundreds of photos of your little darling – sleeping, smiling and just being cute. But do print off those photos because I'm telling you they will get lost in the vast open space that is your computer memory or your phone will go missing and you'll lose them all. It's cheap enough to print off things – you just have to find the time to do it!
7. Ignore the haters
There are people out there who will find the need to point out things about your parenting, to tell you that you are doing 'such and such' wrong. People who will have usually well-meaning advice can sometimes come across as judgemental and critical. Take it like water off a duck's back. Nod along to their words but only take on what you agree with. There is no one way to parent. No one has it sussed out.