HSE confirms number of measles cases rising at alarming rate this year
The HSE has confirmed that the number of measles cases in Ireland is already at an alarming level for this year.
So far this year, the number of measles cases diagnosed in Ireland has reached 112. This statistic is already 28 times higher than last year’s total figure, as there were just four measles cases diagnosed in 2023.
In contrast, only two cases of the measles were reported in 2022, and there were no cases diagnosed in 2021.
Now, with still over three months of this year left to go, Ireland is approaching the highest number of measles cases it has seen in several years.
Outbreaks have been reported in schools, residential centres, extended families, households and hospitals, with up to 12 people infected in one incident.
Of the 112 confirmed cases, 57 were specified as male and 51 were female, with the age groups with the highest number of cases being between five and nine years, and between 10 and 15.
Aside from the over-65s, all age groups have been affected by measles in recent months.
An increase in measles cases was anticipated for 2024. There has been a significant rise in measles in the UK and mainland Europe since the end of last year, and so it was expected that there would also be a surge in cases in Ireland.
The rise in cases has been linked to a fall-off in the uptake of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. According to the HSE, the vaccine uptake in Ireland recently dropped below the 95% target.
Several campaigns have since been rolled out try and increase the uptake, with around 5,500 getting the vaccine up to May of this year.
Measles starts with symptoms including a fever, cough, runny nose and red eyes. It is then followed a few days later by a red rash that starts on the head and spreads over the body. It can lead to chest infections, fits, ear infections, swelling of the brain and brain damage.
Parents are advised to get the MMR vaccine for their child at 12 months and again at four to five years of age.