How to help with the development of your toddler's speech
The toddler stage is definitely a busy stage with running around and dealing with tantrums but it is also a very important developmental stage in a child’s life.
Toddlers absorb information like a sponge and when it comes to talking, it’s important to encourage them to use their voice to the best of their ability.
To help ensure your little one’s speech develops as they get older, it’s vital to get involved and be proactive in helping them learn new words and work on pronouncing them. In order to help with that, we’ve created a check-list of ways you can help your tot’s speech progress.
1. Talk to them as often as you can. Whether it’s just the two of you at home or you have a full house, always be chatting to them and including them in conversations as a way to encourage them to speak for themselves.
2. Praise your toddler when they say a word correctly. Children love being praised, so letting them know they said something correctly or called an item by its name is a great way to keep them happy and make them want to try and say other words correctly.
3. Use short sentences so your little one can take in what you’re saying. Using long sentences can be difficult for them to get their head around but shortening phrases and not using filler words allows them to pick up on words and understand what you’re saying.
4. Read out loud to them and allow them to repeat after you. Reading is a great way for children to get involved in speech because they can see pictures and repeat words. They will start to recognise words you say and learn to say them on their own.
5. Play games to make learning more fun. Games like Simon Says are great because your toddler has to be paying attention to you and has to take their time to understand the words you are using so they can complete the task.
6. When asking your child a question, like what they want to eat or where they want to go, get them to verbally answer you rather than just point at something. Take the time to repeat yourself so they know what words they should be using in order to tell you what their answer is.