Family Life

Honey, I shrunk the clothes, again! Irish people reveal their laundry habits

How often you wash clothes and bed sheets is always a hot topic up for debate! Do you wear your jeans for weeks on end before you finally give in and put them in the machine? How often do you use your washing machine during the week?

The fact is, we’ve all got to wash our clothes and bed sheets more often than we actually do. The fabric in contact with our skin at night absorbs everything from our pores, while our clothing faces daily wear and tear plus any dirt and smells we come into contact with!

A survey carried out by Ireland’s leading electrical supplier Currys quizzed people on their laundry habits and knowledge with some interesting results.

For starters, 58% of Irish people have changed their laundry habits due to inflation, admitting that they now wash their clothes on a lower temperature to save on energy. So, it’s clear that getting your washing habits right is not just important from a cleanliness and hygiene perspective, but also for when it comes to saving money and being energy efficient too. There was a wide range of answers when it comes to washing clothes, but the majority of respondents wash theirs 2-3 times per week.

Other interesting findings showed that 5% of Irish people don’t know what ANY of the symbols or settings mean on their washing machines! Maybe we don’t like reading instructions, or think we know best! Whatever the reason, this lack of laundry knowledge could go some way to explaining why 68% of respondents admitted they had shrunk clothes in the washing machine, as well as 52% revealing that they regularly overload their washing machine, despite knowing they shouldn’t. Interestingly however 75% of people read the care labels on their clothes before they wash them!

Worried your washing machine might be getting a bit smelly? There’s a multitude of reasons why dirt may linger in your machine. Whether it’s down to washing dirty clothing week after week, or mould getting trapped in the nooks and crannies! According to Currys’ survey, Irish people are not cleaning their washing machine enough, risking the longevity of their appliance and their clothes. The recommended length of time to go between washing the actual machine is 3 months, but 41% of people admitted to only washing theirs once every 6 months, and 20% pf people only once a year!

Want to know more about the survey results, or just looking to buy a washing machine, but not sure where to start? Check out Curry’s guidance HERE.

Plus check out some of the Curry’s experts recommended laundry appliances by visiting now.

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