Here's how you can make Christmas shopping with the kids (somewhat) bearable
Shopping with kids is never a good idea.
Christmas shopping with the kids is an even worse idea.
They want to buy everything in sight, they get bored after about two minutes, and when you ask their opinion on something, well, you just know they're going to tell it like it is – and it's never positive!
But sometimes needs must, and for most of us mum, dragging them around the shops is the only option you have – but we're here to make it a lot more enjoyable (or even bearable at the very least!)
1. Use the power of bribery
Toys, magazines – whatever tickles their fancy, tell them they can have one gift IF they're good for the entire shopping trip. And you don't even need to bribe them with toys. The park for a few hours when you're finished or even a chance to watch their favourite TV show. Trust us, their attitude will changed instantly if they know there is something in it for them.
2. Give them a job to do
Whether it's looking for the coolest wrapping paper or finding the best present for Daddy, giving them their own list will definitely keep them occupied. And they'll also relish in the fact that they are in charge of something pretty important.
3. Bring a list
To be honest, the best way to really make sure you get everything in the quickest time possible is to bring list. On this list, write down the shops you need to go to, the price and, if possible, where in the store you will find it. This cuts out any need to make a decision on the day and you'll be in and out in no time.
4. Do it all online
Seriously, this is probably the BEST way to get everything done without anyone being reduced to tears. Plus, you'll be able to do it from the comfort of your own home and maybe even with a nice glass of eggnog in hand – the perfect festive treat.
Do you have any tips to share?