
'Haemorrhoids and lots of gas...' This mum has a GENIUS trick to deal with pregnancy discomfort

Pregnancy is not all glowing skin and butterfly kicks; it's full of gas, heartburn and an unending need to pee.

But these are the aspects of growing a baby that no one ever seems to really talk about, which is why mum-of-three Tova Leigh is stepping up.

The mum took to Facebook to highlight the side of pregnancy that most of us tend to keep to ourselves – why? Well, why not?!


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“I hear a lot of people talk about how pregnancy is not an illness…let’s examine the symptoms,” she starts off by saying on Facebook. 

And then she goes on to list all the things that happen during your nine-month journey:  “All-the-freaking-day-long sickness, projectile vomiting, haemorrhoids, heartburn, sensitivity to smells, loss of memory, mood swings, dizziness, lots of gas, crazy cravings…”


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But that's not all; from “wanting to kill your husband" because he is "just so annoying” to dealing with darker nipples she lists off everything we have to deal with. 

However, Tova does more than just rant at the computer…. she, in fact, has a very simple solution to dealing with the all of these symptoms.

And it involves doing "f*** all for nine months" and a pregnancy spa or two, where Mum can check in from the minute she misses her period until Baby pops out. 

We are in total agreement with Tova, and anyone who wants to set up a pregnancy spa has our backing…

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