Big Kids

Girl, 7, climbs Mount Kilimanjaro to be closer to her father, and we're in awe of her

At just seven, Montannah Kenney has become the youngest girl to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa, but she didn't set out to break a world record.

No. The youngster wanted to be closer to her dad who sadly passed away when she was just three years old.

"She knows she has an angel looking after her and he lives in heaven,” her mum, Hollie Kenney, told Inside Edition.

"She knew that this mountain is above the clouds so she associated that she was going to be closer to her dad in heaven."

Montannah and her mother completed the task together, climbing the 19,341-foot mountain in just six days. 

In order to get ready for the climb, the mummy daughter duo who are from Texas trained by doing long hikes at the weekend and shorter ones during the school week. 

Talking about the climb, Hollie told CBS News that it was a lot steeper than they initially thought. 

"We didn't know what was a cliff and what was a cloud," Hollie said.

"That was big eye opener."

What an incredible young girl! 

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