
Fitness instructor’s postpartum regime may raise some eyebrows

These days we’re consistently reminded that working out and fitness are an integral part of motherhood.

It keeps you sane, gives you more energy to run around after the kids, and it has the added bonus of keeping anxiety at bay.

But sometimes, us mums can feel slightly shamed into whipping ourselves back into ‘shape’ so quickly after giving birth.

More often than not, we become down on ourselves that we don’t have that perfect beach body and we just don’t understand why.

Instead, we should be embracing postpartum for what it is, enjoying our newborns, and being incredibly proud of ourselves for bringing a new life into the world.

So it comes as no surprise that we were incredibly content to come across fitness instructor and new mum, Angi Fletcher.

The L.A based mum-of-two was inundated with requests for advice on losing baby weight and beginning a work out regime, but while she is qualified in postnatal fitness, the mum had this to say:

“I would love to be posting my postnatal workouts but the truth is I haven't been able to workout much yet.”

“I have been dealing with my boobs full time, clogged ducts and pain management.”


|| A lot of you have asked for my advice in losing the baby weight and starting a workout regime #postbaby and I have all of that in the works along with being certified in pre and post natal fitness instruction • I would love to be posting my #postnatal workouts but the truth is I haven't been able to workout much yet • I have been dealing with my boobs full time  • clogged ducts and pain management • I didn't have a problem breastfeeding oliver but with Alakai it's been a daily struggle • so when I'm not feeding him I'm either pumping or hand expressing in the shower or heating my boobs or cooling them or taking supplements or applying essential oils or breathing through meditation to try and avoid anxiety attacks, cooking or cleaning or doing laundry or grocery shopping or checking in on my teenager who I need to let spread his teenage wings as I keep working on the letting go process as I am nursing my 2 month old who needs me more than ever life is such a balance! There has been some confusion around my personal life and comments made of must be nice "having help" (inferring to a nanny I'm assuming) but no I don't have a nanny nor do I have parents or grandparents alive to help or any family that live in the states to drop my baby off to help while I go grocery shopping • as a lot of you know this season is all consuming and I'm trying my best to keep on top of life and continuing to help others with information that has helped me • thank you for giving me the space to continue to be where I am and supporting me through it  ps this pic taken after I got out of sauna *more info coming soon on the sauna I've been using to help with my mental state of #postpartum and detoxing, weight loss along with wound healing, oxygenation, increasing metabolism and producing more collagen and reducing cellulite • yes it exists and it's been life changing!!! 

A post shared by A N G I  F L E T C H E R (@angigreene) on

 Angie has been embracing motherhood and fighting the challenges it brings, as her sole concentration will focus on her children for the moment:

“When I'm not feeding, I'm either pumping or hand expressing in the shower or heating my boobs or cooling them or taking supplements or applying essential oils or cooking or cleaning or doing laundry or grocery shopping.”

We always find it refreshing when mums embrace their postpartum beauty.

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