
Fitness blogger shares the importance of self-love during pregnancy

When it comes to fitness bloggers on Instagram, we usually expect the same thing: motivational attitudes, gym selfies and delicious looking salads.

But Melbourne based mother-to-be Fenella Scarlett McCall is changing all of that. Since July, she has been opening up about how difficult it can be to see your body change so drastically during pregnancy. In her frank posts, McCall covers everything from morning sickness, to cravings, mood swings and mental health.


Look- to be honest, it's probably all the pasta and bread that's poking my tummy out right now cause the lil Bub is only 2.4cm big ! Well probably 2.6cm today!! OHHHHHWEEEE  And I know this is so early to share the news cause last time I was pregnant, I miscarried at 9 weeks.. But my partner and I have decided we want to share, so whatever happens—-such is life … This has been pretty hard for me if I'm real. For the last 4-5 weeks I've had low energy and it's slowly becoming nonexistent… I slept pretty much all day today… I haven't worked out in ages! All I feel like eating is carbs. I haven't felt like being social really- I'm just too tired! Which is pretty much opposite to how I usually am… So this is all new . I'm beyond excited- we had our first scan yesterday and I saw the heart beat and saw the lil jellybean wriggle! It made it so real! THERES A TINY HUMAN INSIDE ME ! But I'm also scared, nervous, anxious, happy, and so much more… Have you guys had babies?? Did anyone else experience exhaustion in the first trimester then get energy back?? This is my hope! But in the meantime- just going to roll with it! We've been blessed and I feel ready to embrace the changes that are going to happen. Anxious. But ready  Here's to new beginnings  #9weekspregnant #firsttrimester #newbeginnings #pregnant

A post shared by Fenella Scarlett McCall (@fitfenji) on

In her pregnancy announcement, McCall shared that she was "scared, nervous, anxious, happy, and so much more". Her honesty about her mixed emotions and about the changes that are happening to her body have resonated with many women.

She said: “For the last four to five weeks, I've had low energy and it's slowly becoming nonexistent… I slept pretty much all day today… I haven't worked out in ages! All I feel like eating is carbs. I haven't felt like being social really – I'm just too tired! Which is pretty much opposite to how I usually am… So, this is all new.”


OH HI GUYS  You are BEAUTIFUL! You have been put on this earth to learn, grow, feel and experience. You are MORE then you even realise. Your smile and your laugh can light up a room . They are important! But so are your tears !!! If you are struggling with self love, I FEEL YOU! Since putting on weight I've cried and felt 'yuck', I've been angry and I've been sad. I've compared myself to others, thinking 'what's wrong with me, why can't I just get it together .' I've thought, 'I'm just going to eat only veggies and healthy food for the next week.' BUT LIFE IS ABOUT SO MUCH MORE!!!! So what that I have a couple extra kgs on me!?!? For one, I'm 10.5 weeks pregnant (had to add the .5 ), and for two; I'm a student, a daughter, a friend, a sister, a lover, a crazy cat, a current carb lover  annnnnnd just a down right cool chick ( definitely debatable )…. Soooo today's thoughts… Embraceeeeee the bellll-ayyyyyy Sending out positive energy 

A post shared by Fenella Scarlett McCall (@fitfenji) on

The fears and worries do not disappear in a matter of weeks however, and McCall opened up again about trying to deal with her weight gain and loss of healthy habits.

“Since putting on weight, I've cried and felt 'yuck'. I've been angry and I've been sad. I've compared myself to others, thinking 'what's wrong with me, why can't I just get it together?' I've thought, 'I'm just going to eat only veggies and healthy food for the next week.' BUT LIFE IS ABOUT SO MUCH MORE!!!! So what that I have a couple extra kgs on me!?!?… Embrace the belly!”

However, McCall’s real breakthrough came when she decided to embrace staying healthy and happy, as opposed to Insta-perfect.


Embracing the rolls, cellulite and weight gain of pregnancy  Shifting my attention to feeling positive, with goals of health and happiness, instead of ‘least weight gain and stay as toned as possible’ – which was stressing me the fuck out  Taking each new day as it comes- doing my best to get in a walk every day, while eating as healthy as I can for bub. Also, working on being kind to myself. Like Fen, you bloody superstar- THERE’S A HUMAN GROWING INSIDE YOU  I’m feeling him KICK It’s so incredible! The little guy has a mind of his own and he’s chosen me to carry him into the world! Wow .. I’m pretty excited for the cuddles ahead. I’ve had some whacky body things happen during pregnancy that have brought up feelings of shame, but then I realise this is ALLLLL part of life. I’m meant to go through this stuff. So I’m just sitting back and learning. Absorbing and accepting. It’s been the most amazing gift I’ve ever been given #22weeks #babybump #secondtrimester

A post shared by Fenella Scarlett McCall (@fitfenji) on

She wrote: “Embracing the rolls, cellulite and weight gain of pregnancy. Shifting my attention to feeling positive, with goals of health and happiness, instead of ‘least weight gain and stay as toned as possible’ – which was stressing me out. Taking each new day as it comes – doing my best to get in a walk every day, while eating as healthy as I can for Bub. Also, working on being kind to myself.”

Medical professionals agree with McCall’s standpoint. A major stepping stone towards overcoming pregnancy body image issues is acceptance of a lack of control over their newfound state.

As psychotherapist Julie Hanks told Parents Magazine; "Women need to develop a willingness to view bodily changes as part of the journey of motherhood, instead of something to be feared."

As McCall share her highs and lows, she reminds us how important it is to be healthy and happy, for both yourself and the little one on its way, despite what the scales might say.

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