Big Kids

One mum on her daughter's disability: 'Every single human being is a gamble and we love them anyway'

Every mama-to-be wants to hear their baby is perfectly healthy during their doctor visits. 

And what's more; when your baby finally joins this wonderful world, a mum's initial thought is to check their little human is nothing short of perfect. 

However, sometimes life doesn't work that way…

Sometimes we're joined by tiny humans who have special needs, but one wonderful mama is here to show us how even though this may not be what was chosen, it is entirely beautiful. 


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"It's going to be OK. Most likely, more than OK. Most likely, amazing."

"Because here's the deal – every single human being is a gamble and we love them anyway," declares mum-of-three, Miggy. 

Miggy is a stay-at-home mum from Ohio, who blogs about her artwork and family life online, but most importantly, she uses her platform to shine a light on families of special needs and their journeys. 


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Mum's daughter, Lamp, (not her real name), was born with a condition called microgastria and limb reduction complex, but the mum feels her daughter's disability doesn't make her any less loved or capable than her other children.

"Millions of parents have had an ultrasound appointment where everything came back positive and normal, and they went on to have these 'healthy' children who grew up to be drug dealers, belligerent teenagers, liars, cheaters or just incredibly, terribly average people."

"And guess what? They love them anyway."


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But we don't get to choose our children, we do our best by them, hoping they turn into the most amazing humans we could ever meet, no matter what their abilities or disabilities consist of.

"When you think about the time you spent dating and choosing your mate it seems almost insane that we then go on to invite tiny humans into our lives where we get absolutely NO say in who these little people are."

"We get no say in their personality, likes, dislikes, abilities, or disabilities. And we love them anyway. Every single human is a gamble and we love them anyway. People with disabilities are no different. I promise that you will love them anyway."


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While some children are born with disabilities, they so often teach us things we never could have comprehended without them, and they continue to amaze us with their abilities, the ability to smile and laugh, never taking anything in life for granted. 

This mum's message is incredibly special, and we couldn't have said it better ourselves. 

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