Family Life

10 things working mums are TIRED of hearing

Being a working mum is tough. Like really, bloody tough. Dealing with a tricky boss, trying to get by on little to no sleep AND having to manage the never-ending guilt, it can be overwhelming.

And just one person's passing comment, whether it came from a good place or not, can really hit a nerve. 

So, the next time you decide to question a mum as she races to the office maybe just take a second to think about what you are about to say first.

Here are 10 things working mums couldn't without hearing: 

1. "Don't you feel guilty for not being able to collect them from school?"

Yes, we do – but highlighting it to us is not going to make it any easier. 

3. "Do you feel bad for not having playdates?"

There ARE the weekends don't forget…

4. "How can you find the time to be with your kids?"

We just have to make an extra special effort to and plan, plan, plan. 

5. "I could NEVER leave my children to go back to work"

OK, while that may be true for you… some mums don't have the option of staying at home. And others just don't want to. 

6. "Do you feel bad for not being there all the time?"

Of course we feel bad, whether we love our job or not, leaving the kids for eight, nine, ten hours a day is not exactly pleasant, but we have a pretty good work/life balance. 

7. "Aw, your little one has to miss out again" 

Just because we can't do the whole Monday to Friday playdates and parties doesn't mean our kids 'miss out'. Don't forget, we do have the weekends for that stuff. 

8. "Would you not just work part-time?"

A) The mum in question may not be able to afford to work part-time or B) they may actually enjoy their nine-to-fiver. 

9. "Ah no, you have to work AGAIN"

Yes, hence the title: FULL-time job.

10. "How do you do it all?"

Because we have too – just like any working dad, SAHM or SAHD has to. We just get things done. 

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