
Don't hold them too much... and other pieces of advice to ignore

From the moment you announce your pregnancy, you will no doubt be inundated by well-meaning advice – something that certainly doesn't stop as soon as Baby arrives.

In fact, you are likely to hear things that will make you question your own parenting skills, things that you thought were perfectly fine won't be, according to some people.

1. Sleep when Baby sleeps

OK, this one is pretty feasible if you don't have other children to care for. But in reality, grabbing a cat nap every three hours is not exactly easy when you've a toddler roaming around. 

2. Leave the washing up until later 

Yeah, because leaving all those dirty clothes and dishes piling up is helping to create a clean and healthy environment for your baby. By all means leave it until the evening or until they are sleeping but don't leave it until they are three months old.

3. Never wake a sleeping baby 

No, sit with them in the car until they decide to stir. God forbid you move them and they'd wake up. Sure, that'd just be a disaster.

4. Make sure you enjoy every second because they'll be in school before you know it 

They won't. You have at least four years before they start big school and even then you'll still enjoy them. Yes, they will grow fast, but each day brings something new and exciting so don't feel guilty if you want a break. 

5. Don't hold them so much – you're only spoiling them

Now this is one piece of advice that can do one. Showering a baby in love and cuddles is NOT spoiling them, it gives them comfort and security – something we all crave. 

6. Keep the house quiet when they are sleeping

That includes other children, making sure the doorbell doesn't ring and holding off boiling the kettle until they wake up. Yeah, because that's going to happen. Things like the noise of the vacuum cleaner can actually  help soothe sleeping babies so, unfortunately, you can't use that as an excuse not to clean up. 

7. Make sure you find time for yourself

Because between trying to keep the house in some form of order, struggling on very little sleep and having to make sure Baby is fed and watered, you will have LOADS of time for you. If you can squeeze it in do, if not don't feel bad or like you are failing – only ever do what's right for you. 

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