'Did I unplug the iron?' 5 ways to ease that oh-so-familiar anxiety
If you've ever found yourself retracing your steps to double-check that you've locked the front door or unplugged the straightener, then you know how debilitating it can be to constantly second-guess yourself.
While you may be 99 percent certain you flicked that switch, the remaining one percent gives way to an anxious mind (and you won't make it through the rest of the day in peace if you don't double-check).
If you're worried about the amount of time you spend worrying about issues like this, then it's worth trying some tips and tricks which may help to put your mind at rest.
1. Speak your mind
Take notice of what you're doing as you prepare for the day ahead.
As you actually remove the plug from the socket in the wall, describe your actions out loud.
Yes, you might sound odd, but you'll remember doing it, right?
2. Snap a pic
You might remember unplugging various appliances that morning, but as the day goes on doubt sets in, doesn't it?
Head that doubt off at the pass by snapping a pic of the appliances in their unplugged state before you leave the house.
Again, it's not exactly conventional, but it's a failsafe way to reassure yourself.
3. Take note
If lists give you peace of mind then why not create a list of general concerns that arise throughout the day, and pin it on the back of your front door?
Tick each item before you open the front door (providing you have actually attended to them!) and then take that list with you.
Not only does it ensure against anything you may have forgotten, but it also provides you with tangible evidence that all is well back home.
4. Give yourself time
Nothing helps to create doubt in an anxious mind, than a morning that was spent rushing from start to finish.
If you anticipate a busy day ahead and know you're likely to experience flashes of doubt about that morning's routine, give yourself an ten extra minutes to double-check everything before you set off for the day.
5. Speak up
Remind yourself that an anxious mind should not be part and parcel of life.
If you have employed various tips and tricks to assuage your anxiety, and still find yourself consumed by a sense of fear or impending doom you should chat with a professional who will be able to offer you further advice and support.