Delayed cord clamping could improve your baby's heart rate
It's a tradition far and wide, clamping and cutting your baby's umbilical cord can be a very meaningful moment for any parent.
Well, according to science (so it must be true), prolonging the clamping f the umbilical cord could actually improve your little one's heart rate.
The delayed cutting of the cord will allow the baby to receive up to an extra 100ml of blood from the placenta, making it SUPER blood.
It is important to note that this theory does not mean you have to walk around with your baby still attached to the placenta for weeks, with studies claiming that delaying the process by just 90 seconds will benefit the baby.
In fairness, after hours of labour and childbirth… what's another 90 seconds?
This could allow your baby to receive extra placental blood, allowing your baby to gain extra iron and red blood cells.
Sounds like a good idea to us!
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