
Listen up, dads: here's how you can HELP breastfeeding mamas

Dads, just like mums, love to get involved in every aspect of their newborn's life: from creating a routine to picking a name.

But when it comes to feeding, the men in our lives can feel a little left out if Mum is breastfeeding (particularly if she is not pumping).

However, there are PLENTY of things they can do to get involved – most notably, make life a LOT easier for their SO.

1. Support Mum as much as you can 

Whether it's by sticking up for her when someone decides it's OK to pass comment on her feeding method… or by giving her free reign of the TV for the couple of hours she'll be sitting there – support comes in all shapes and sizes.   

2. Bring her cake (or her favourite treat) when she is nursing 

Potentially, she could be sitting there for two hours – and your SO will need to keep her strength up. 

3. Sterilise bottles for when she pumps

If your other half is pumping, you can give her a dig out by having the pump and bottles sterilised and ready for use – it will make life a LOT easier for Mum. 

4. Take over nappy duty

While we don't mean you need to change EVERY dirty nappy, do a good few to free up some time for your other half. Some babies can nurse for hours so it will give her a chance to catch up on the things she can't do when feeding – like have a shower.  

5. Make sure she is comfortable  

One of the most helpful things dads CAN do when their other half is nursing is make sure she is comfortable. You can do this by giving her a plentiful supply of pillows or even rubbing her feet… 

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