Dad leaves sticky notes around the house for his wife to find...and they are HILARIOUS
Being a stay-at-home parent comes with its trials and tribulations, for instance – when do you get some down time?
Well this Oklahoma dad has come up with the best way to express his feelings, while being sarcastically honest with his wife at the same time.
Chris Illuminati, who is now a father of two, left his job in 2010 to become a full-time dad when his first son was born.
On the first day of leaving Chris and his son alone together, his wife reminded him of all the tasks he had and Chris joked “I better write this down.”
But following an instance where he forgot about the post-it he wrote, and therefore forgot to change the baby, Chris began his post-it blog Message with a Bottle.
Chris leaves the honest post-its around the house for his wife to find when she gets home from work.
They include descriptions of daily chores and sometimes may include how Chris was feeling at the time too.
And I’m sure sometimes these notes may induce heart failure.