Dad and son create the ultimate mum-to-be package, we're screaming
There are so many things we need when we're pregnant, but there's always that one thing we need the most.
For example, with us it's chocolate, there ain't a hope we'd survive without it.
There can never be enough chocolate bars, chocolate biscuits, chocolate cake… you get the idea.
And when we found out what this dad and son got up to so mum-to-be will never go without, we were super jealous!
The thoughtful pair created care packages which they leave around the house for mama-to-be to find.
My son and I making 'care packages' for my pregnant wife that we stash around the house. from BabyBumps
Is this not the sweetest and cutest thing you have ever seen or heard?
How amazing would it be to randomly find pregnancy treats around your home?
Has your partner or kids ever done something special like this when you were expecting?