Family Life

Crohn's mother-of-two takes alluring selfies and she's our hero

Krystal Miller is a mother-of-two who is a little different to your average mum. 

The 32-year-old spends her days taking alluring selfies in her underwear, but it's not for the reasons you may think. 

Krystal was diagnosed with Crohn's disease at the tender of age of 15, documenting her journey on Bag Lady Mama


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Before being diagnosed with the disease, the mum-of-two suffered with severe diarrhoea and vomiting, claiming it felt like poison, so when her diagnosis was affirmed she was glad to finally know what was wrong. 

However, following eight years of pain, it was time for Krystal to undergo surgery, removing her large intestine, part of her small intestine and her anus. 

Krystal stated: "I would become the Bag Lady […] having my surgery was the best thing that ever happened me. I am not saying it's been smooth, but there has been a lot more good than bad."

"I've had bowl perforations, phantom butt pains, and leaks where I've been pretty much covered in shit from head to toe," explains the mum. 


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With surgery comes many changes, including the fitting of a ileostomy bag which needs to be emptied every few hours and changed every few days.

However, a major downfall was the fact Krystal was told she would be unable to have a vaginal birth, however, whoever decided that clearly never met this lady before. 


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Krystal went on to have two vaginal births, having to adjust her stoma for both her pregnancies. 

As mum to Luka, she suffered a perforated bowel which turned septic after his birth, going on to suffer four harrowing miscarriages, before eventually bringing her little girl, Arabella into the world four-months-ago.

The super mum is now vehemently trying to assure people that living with a bag doesn't have to be doom and gloom, showing how she can live her life to the fullest, while running around after her two tots.

Nonetheless, what really won us over was her raw honesty that accompanies her stories.  

"I am here to raise awareness for those living with invisible illnesses and ostomies! Lets remove the stigma and show them how awesome we are while rocking our bags out!"

We think she's doing a pretty good job too, how amazing is Krystal? What a fierce and super mum. 

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