Family Life

Couple struggles with infertility for years... but now they can't stop having twins

Amanda and Time Van Horssen struggled with infertility for years before deciding to go down the IVF route – but are now proud parents to seven children. 

In 2010, the couple, from Zeeland, Michigan, decided to try IVF, and were delighted to find out that they were expecting twins after implanting three fertilised eggs.

However, their journey was not going to be easy, and one of the twins, Landon, was stillborn.

Thankfully, after 24 days in NICU, their daughter Addison was allowed home.

Wanting their children to be close in age, the Van Horssen’s opted for IVF again a year later, and in 2013, Amanda gave birth to Alexis and Aiden.

With two frozen embryos left the couple were given there options: donate them to another couple, use them or destroy.

But before they decided, they fell pregnant naturally.

Considering the fact they were only given a 10 percent chance of ever conceiving naturally, this was a real shock for the couple.

And in June 2014, Emmett James was born.

However, despite having four children under five, they decided to implant their last remaining embryos.

“Ultimately, it’s in the Lord’s hands. If we put them in and it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be,” Amanda told Spectrum Health Beat.

And, yes, a few days later, the couple found out they were expecting twins AGAIN: Emma Grace and Ella Marie.

So, 13 years after being told they would never have children, Amanda and Tim are now proud parents to:  Addison, five, Alexis and Aiden, four, and Emmett, two, Emma and Ella, and Landon.

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