Charity calling for survivors of childhood and teenage cancer (& their families) to get in touch
Cancare4living, a charity founded by Patricia McColgan and Garry Owens, advocates and supports survivors of childhood and teenage cancers in Ireland.
And today they are asking for these survivors and their families to get in touch.
The charity wants to understand what needs to be improved on and what survivors would find helpful (in terms of services etc.) to ensure a smooth pathway of care, and they need the help of those who have first-hand experience.
The National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) is conducting a national qualitative study on survivorship after childhood cancer this month, and Cancare4living believes there is a real opportunity to create change now.
A series of focus groups will be held in Dublin, Cork, and Galway on April 11th, 23rd, 26th, and 30th. Any adult survivors of childhood cancer, or parents of children who have survived cancer, are invited to participate in these focus groups. For more info, click here.
Patricia and Garry, who were introduced by Dr. Julianne Byrne of the Boyne Research Institute, acknowledge that cancer care for children and teenagers in Ireland includes first-class diagnosis and treatment with comprehensive medical support across a wide range of disciplines.
However, they found that there wasn’t a clear pathway of care for survivors as they move from childhood into adulthood.
Even if you cannot be part of these focus groups, Cancare4Living wants to hear from you to help inform their ongoing advocacy work in this area. Some survivors experience medical, cognitive and psychosocial challenges and require ongoing access to multi-disciplinary medical and counselling services.
Cancare4living believe that all survivors should have life-long access to services which help identify and address any potential issues as soon as possible.
They are currently are working towards this goal as well as importantly establishing a community of people who can help survivors navigate the issues that can arise.
CanCare4Living are also holding their own roadshows taking place around the country and invite you to drop in:
Galway Tuesday 24 April – Harbour Hotel, Galway 5.30pm/7.30pm
Carlow Thursday 3 May – Talbot Hotel, Carlow 5.30pm/7.30pm
Dublin Saturday 7 July – Dublin Castle Noon/2pm
For more info, see: www.cancare4living.ie