
Cankles and piles… 8 pregnancy symptoms we could all do without

Pregnancy is such a wonderful time… but some of the symptoms that we have to deal with are not so wonderful. 

From discharge to leaking urine, here are eight symptoms that we could totally do without.

1. Discharge

A pale yellow or white discharge will be a constant factor throughout your pregnancy, and is due to an increased vaginal blood flow.

2. Flatulence

During pregnancy your insides will become crowded, as room is made to accommodate your baby, and you will be left you feeling gassy and bloated.

3. Itchy nipples

As your breasts grow, the areola increases in size and the stretching can cause an itch. 

4. Piles 

When you're pregnant, the blood vessels around the rectal area become swollen which can cause a lot of itchiness and pain.

5. Fatigue

Your body is going through a huge thing at the moment, and not surprisingly, you will be completely and utterly exhausted.

6. Swollen feet (cankles)

Swelling during pregnancy is normal, mainly due to the fact that your body is retaining more water. 

7. Morning sickness

You can blame your increased oestrogen levels on this one; not pleasant at all.

8. Leaking urine

With looser pelvic muscles and a baby putting pressure on your bladder you will leak a little urine, especially when you sneeze or laugh.

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