Family Life

Bus driver saved this family's holiday in a major way

If this true act of kindness doesn't warm your heart, we don't know what will.

A Boston shuttle bus driver, Mark Trocchio, was going about his usual business on a Monday morning in Cambridge, MA.

He had just stopped off into a local Dunkin' Donuts when he noticed a purse lying on the path nearby. 

To his utter shock, not only was there credit cards and airline tickets inside, but also $8,000 in cash!

If this had happened years ago, Mark might not have been so quick to decide what to do with the money. 

"There was a time in my life when I would have never tried to give that back," he said.

"But I'm just glad I'm over that hump,'' he told CBS Boston.

He had spent almost twenty years suffering from alcohol and drug addiction at one point.

However, his next action proved that those days were long behind him. 

He went into the Dunkin' Donuts to see if the owner of the purse might be inside.

Luckily, he spotted a woman crying alongside her two teenage children. 

He knew she that was the owner from the ID he had found in the contents of the purse.

On returning it to her, she was understandably shocked and attempted to reward him, but he politely declined.

Tina, the mum, noted his bus name and called the Transaction Corporate Shuttle to tell them about their exemplary employee. 

According to CBS News, she said, 'this is why I love Boston so much,' reveals Cindy Frene, of Transaction Corporate Shuttles.

Tina explained that she was originally from Boston before she moved to Georgia to raise her family.

She had been saving up for years so she could bring her kids to see her beloved hometown.

Massive thanks to Mark Trocchio for not only saving a family's longed-for holiday but also for showing that people can change for the better. 

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