Family Life

Bubble sculptures and giant bubbles... the kids will love this show

The Festival of Curiosity is back in Dublin this summer for a four-day cultural feast of science, arts, design and technology. Celebrating its sixth year, expect a programme full of surprise and delight as visitors experience the city come alive in an energetic fusion of science, arts, design and technology.

Appearing for the first time in Ireland after touring 37 countries, Marco Zoppi and Rolanda, winners of the Merlin Award for "Best European Bubble Artists", present BUBBLES, a fun and visual show at the National Concert Hall.

Giant bubbles, smoke bubbles, levitating bubbles, bubble sculptures, invisible bubbles and galaxies made of bubbles, the audience will be taken on an unforgettable journey into the art, science and magic of bubbles. 

Join Marco Zoppi and Rolanda for an incredible bubbly adventure as part of The Festival of Curiosity 2018.  

The National Concert Hall

July 21st & 22nd; 11.30 and 14.15

€12 Adults / €10 Children / Family Ticket €40; available here

Tickets for BUBBLES are on sale now and the main programme will be released at the end of June.

Curious? To find out more go to:

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