Breastfeeding was embarrassing for one mum but now her son wears this T-shirt
Breastfeeding is difficult for some mums as they can often feel embarrassed.
It's the most natural way of feeding your baby, however, mums don't want to feel like they are 'drawing attention' to themselves.
Which was the exact feeling of one woman who shared her story with Breastfeeding Mama Talk.
Taking to the page, she relays: "Early on with my first son, I would've been so embarrassed to have anything draw attention to the fact that he was nursed because there is such stigma around it being a 'private' thing and I was so afraid of someone seeing it as inappropriate."
Nonetheless, this mama thankfully persevered, fast forwarding two years and she is now breastfeeding her second son.
But there is something she has learned, which has made her stronger and wiser: "I couldn't care less if anyone thinks it's inappropriate."
Crediting the wonderful work of Breastfeeding Mama Talk for building up her confidence and helping her to continue her breastfeeding journey with her boys, the mum-of-two has commented on her new found pride.
"I'm very proud that I have been able to provide nourishment to their little bodies."
"I've gone from someone who was embarrassed to talk about nursing my child, to a woman who doesn't really care what negative comment anyone has to say about it."
So much so, that the mum has put her son in the coolest little T-shirt she could find, as it declares: "I drink straight from the jugs."
We're just as proud of this mum as she is herself – now where to get one of those shirts…
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