Big Kids

Bizarre: 7-year-old comes home from school with pierced ears, says teacher did it

This has definitely got to be one of the most baffling parenting stories of 2017. 

Amanda Jones, from Pennsylvania is claiming that her 7-year-old daughter, Karli, came home from school with both her ears pierced.

It had been done with earrings that were not her own. 

The youngster revealed that a teacher had forced earrings into holes that had closed up over four years ago. 

Understandably, Jones was very confused and upset. She posted on Facebook that: 

"My daughter went to school without pierced ears and came home with them pierced. The one side is bruised.

She said one of the teachers did it I confronted each teacher in that building."

Jones was bewildered as to why the teacher did not ask her permission to pierce the girls ears: 

"My daughter said ouch but didn't say stop. So apparently that makes it alright." 

She was also worried that it was unsanitary and could lead to infection. 

When she reported the incident to the state police, they said that they couldn't intervene as it had happened on school grounds.

The school police have since taken the earrings as evidence and Jones plans on pursuing legal action against the school. 

Jones further explained that Karli had her ears pierced or a brief period when she was three, but had let them close after a week: 

"Karli will still say they are pierced because she knows she got them pierced at one time. The holes have been closed for a long time because I have tried and failed to put a set of earrings through.

The teacher asked and saw the dents where the holes had been and pushed the earrings through.

I don't understand how you can't tell holes are closed. You need some force behind pushing an earring through a closed hole." 

Jones says that she confronted the teacher who admitted piercing her ears, but she was unapologetic: 

"Her teacher Miss. Zeamer kept saying stupid sh*t like she can go such and such time without having earrings in and put them in and the hole never closed." 

Her post has since gone viral, with many people voicing their disgust over the teachers lack of professionalism: 

We're having serious trouble wrapping our heads around this one! What do you think? Should the teacher face the consequences of piercing a students ears without permission?  


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