Family Life

A secret stunt tested the honesty of Dubliners. The result? SHOCKING!

If you saw some yummy slices of steaming pizza would you grab one without paying? Well as part of a stunt to mark International Honesty Day, Four Star Pizza found that over 300 people would!

Yep, last Saturday Four Star Pizza conducted a live social experiment on a busy Dublin city street to find out just how honest the average pizza-lover really is.

And they discovered that over the course of three hours, more than 300 brazen-faces helped themselves to hot slices of Four Star Pizza from an unmanned pizza carousel!

Those who adhered to the signs calling for ‘honesty’ by paying for their pizza were surprised with cheers and celebratory applause – and as a reward received their money back along with a voucher for a free pizza.

However, the 20% who weren’t so honest in taking advantage of the pizza purveyor’s offering were greeted with sirens and alarms – not that it seemed to put them off sinking their teeth into their illicit slices!

Would YOU be tempted to grab a cheeky pizza slice mums? Go on, we won’t tell!

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