
5 amazing baby shower games ideas that every guest will love

The idea of a baby shower is definitely a modern one, but we’ve come to love them! They are such a great way to celebrate the imminent arrival of your little one, as well as being a brilliant excuse to gather all of your loved ones together in one room.

If you’re about to plan a baby shower (either for yourself, a family member or one of your besties), then you might be on the hunt for some inspiration. Well, if so, then you’ve come to the right place!

Every party needs a few great games, and so that’s why we’ve come up with a list of some of the best baby shower game ideas out there. They all have a fairly simple premise and won’t require too much effort or cost, which is an added bonus.

Have a look through our favourite ideas below:

Guess The Baby

This is an absolute classic, and the perfect game for everyone to get involved with! When sending out the invitations for the baby shower, make sure to include a request for each guest to bring a photo of themselves from when they were a baby. Once everyone has arrived, collect the photos and give each one a number. Lay out all of the photos on a spare space, either on a table or taped to a wall. Then, let everyone run free and take their guesses, and whoever gets the most right is the winner!

Picture Round 

Let’s see how educated your loved ones are with baby products! Just like you would with a picture round in a quiz, create a slideshow with as many pictures of baby items as you like. From nappies and breast pumps to cots and baby grows, you can make the questions as easy or as difficult as you want. Then, during the baby shower itself, get your guests to make their own guesses. Whoever gets the most correct is the winner!

Mum and Dad

Just like the quiz show Mr & Mrs, but with a parenting twist! Come up with a list of questions to give to the expectant parents before the shower – this can be anything from “What colour hair do you think the baby will have?” to “What career would you like them to have when they’re older?”. Record a video of the parents-to-be giving their answers before the shower. Then, during the celebrations, relay the questions to each guest and allow them to guess what they think each parent’s response was. Whoever answers the most questions closest to the right answer wins!

Baby Tunes

These tunes will be a blast from the past to many of your guests – but will they remember them? Before the shower, create a playlist of baby tunes and lullaby songs. For the party game, play a short snippet of each song, and the first person to correctly answer the name of the song wins a point. Whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins!

Messages of Love

This is more of a creative task than a game itself, but it’s something that both the parents-to-be and their incoming little one will treasure. Offer each guest the chance to create something for the baby – this can be something simple, such as a silly baby shower photo of themselves, a painted canvas, or a simple piece of paper with some drawings on it. Whatever it is, make sure each guest writes a little message for the baby somewhere on the artwork. The expectant parents can then use these artworks to decorate the nursery, by hanging them up on fairy lights, a corkboard or a piece of string. As the baby grows up, they will be able to read the messages dedicated to them from their nearest and dearest.

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