4 practical tips to help you cope with postnatal anxiety
Most of us will get the baby blues straight after giving birth; your hormones are all over the place and your body has gone through an ordeal, so it is not surprising.
However, for some new mums, they can experience postnatal depression – with anxiety being one of the symptoms.
So what is anxiety? Well, when the body feels like it is in a threatening situation it goes into fight or flight mode; feeling on edge, irritable and finding it difficult to concentrate are all symptoms to be aware of.
You may find that you develop an obsessive compulsive disorder when it comes to your baby, experience panic attacks, shortness of breath and even chest discomfort.
Thankfully, there are plenty of things that you can do to help you feel better.
1. Get some rest
Ask your partner or a loved one to look after your baby while you grab a couple of hours sleep. We know it’s hard to get some shut-eye when you’ve got a newborn, but sleep deprivation can make you feel worse – so rope in a little help.
2. Be open and honest with your GP
It can be easy to just push your feelings under the carpet, blaming exhaustion and a bad diet, but you shouldn’t. Most of us do experience the baby blues in some aspect, but if you find it is starting to take over your daily tasks or you are really struggling don't be afraid to talk about it. They are there to help you – not make you feel worse.
3. Maintain a healthy diet
Reduce your caffeine consumption as they can exacerbate your symptoms and say goodbye to foods high in saturated fats, salt and sugar. Instead, opt for lean meats, wholegrains, fresh fruit and vegetables and low-fat dairy products.
4. Enjoy some moderate exercise
Exercise helps the body to release endorphins which can boost your mood and improve your sense of wellbeing. As well as helping to metabolise adrenalin produced during an anxiety attack, exercise can also help you sleep better (once you don’t go out for a run too close to your bedtime).
For advice and support, visit Aware.