33 Christmas-inspired names that sound good the whole year 'round
Christmas is the most wonderful time of year, especially when you're about to welcome a new baby into your life!
And if you are about to pop a sprog you're no doubt looking for a little name inspiration.
While there are plenty of Christmas-themed options, not all of them sound good the whole year around.
Unlike our list of 33.
Not only are these names in-keeping with this time of year, they also sound good in the summer, when Christmas is a distant memory!
1. Angelina – meaning angel
2. Aubin – meaning white
3. Carol – meaning strong
4. Elizabeth – meaning pledge to God
5. Eve – meaning giver of life
6. Ferne – leafy plant
7. Faith – meaning trust
8. Gloria – meaning glory
9. Holly – the holly tree
10. Ivy – an evergreen climbing vine
11. Joy – meaning happy
12. Mary – meaning wished-for child
13. Neve – meaning snow
14. Nora – meaning light
15. Paloma – meaning dove
16. Ruby – a gemstone
17. Robin – meaning bright, shining
18. Starr – meaning star
1. Christopher – meaning to bear
2. Caleb – meaning devotion to God
3. Casper – meaning treasurer
4. David – meaning beloved
5. Douglas – meaning dark
6. Felix – meaning happy
7. Gabriel – meaning God is my strength
8. Geoffrey – meaning peace
9. Jasper – meaning treasurer
10. Joseph – meaning increase
11. Malachi – meaning messenger
12. Nicholas – meaning victory of the people
13. Noël – meaning Christmas
14. Pax – meaning peaceful
15. Snowden – meaning from the snowy hill