30 traditional Irish baby names and what they mean
In honour of Lá Naomh Pádraig (St Patrick’s Day) we have come up with a list of 30 deliciously Irish names that are perfect for your fhéile (festival) baby!
Ailbhe– Pronounced al-va, this was the name of a female warrior in Na Fianna and is an old Irish word for ‘white’.
Aoibhinn– Meaning ‘pleasant’, this name has a soothing ring to it and is pronounced av-een.
Bébhinn– Pronounced bev-in. This means ‘fair lady’, for your little fair one.
Bronagh– Though this name means ‘sad’ in Irish, it’s melancholic sound is beautiful, pronounced bro-na
Caoilfhionn– This elegant name is the Irish word for ‘slender’ and is pronounced kee-lin.
Caoimhe– Pronounced kee-va, this name means ‘precious’ and ‘gentle’.
Cara– Short and sweet, this pretty name means friend as Gaeilge.
Clodagh– Pronounced clo-da. As the name of an Irish river goddess, this is a creative and mythological option.
Eabha– This means Eve in Irish and is pronounced ay-va.
Fíadh– Pronounced fee-a, this is a stunning Irish choice meaning ‘wild’.
Muireann– Pronounced mweer-in, this gorgeous option was the name of a mermaid from 6th century Irish mythology.
Nessa– This simple yet beautiful Irish name was the that of the mother of Conchobar (Conor) MacNessa, King of Ulster- a strong and ambitious figure from Irish history.
Riona– This regal name means ‘queenly’ in Irish.
Sadbh– Pronounced sive and often spelled that way too, this is an old Irish word for ‘goodness’.
Sorcha– Pronounced sur-ka. The old Irish for ‘bright’, the opposite of dorcha meaning ‘dark’.
Aodh– Pronounced ay, this beautifully short name means ‘fire’ in old Irish.
Cian– Pronounced key-in and means ‘ancient’ in old Irish.
Conaill– Pronounced co-nall, this name comes from the word ‘con’ meaning hound and maybe an old Irish adjective for a hound-like warrior.
Daithí– Pronounced dah-hee, this cool and cute name is the Irish for David.
Darragh– Pronounced da-ra, this is derived from the old Irish word ‘dáire’ meaning ‘oak tree’.
Eamon– Pronounced ay-mon and means ‘guardian or the riches’.
Fionn– Pronounced fee-un, this means ‘fair one’.
Oisín– Pronounced ush-een. This name means ‘deer’ or ‘warrior’ and was the son of the Irish mythological legend, Fionn Mac Cumhail.
Pádraig– for the week that’s in it, this traditional option is an ode to St Patrick and is pronounced paw-drig
Ronan– An old Irish word for ‘little seal’- how cute!
Ruadhán– Pronounced ru-awn, meaning ‘little red one’.
Seamus-Pronounced shay-mus, this is a gorgeously old-fashioned option meaning James in Irish.
Seanán– Pronounced sen-awn, this name means ‘brightness’ or ‘little wise one’.
Tadgh– Pronounce tye-ge. This means ‘poet’ or ‘philosopher’.
Tiarnán- Pronounced seer-nawn. This elegant option means ‘little lord’.