30 names for your little Christmas Pud that are as sweet as pie
Do do you have a Christmas pud on the way? Do you know someone who's expecting the best Christmas gift ever? Here are our top 30 Christmas inspired names that are unique as your little one will be!
For your little girl:
1. Aurora – after the Northern Lights.
2. Blanche – this name is tres jolie and means white in French!
3. Cindy – after Cindy Lou Who from How the Grinch Stole Christmas!
4. Clara – after the little girl from the classic Christmas tale, The Nutcracker.
5. Elsa – after the snow Queen of course!
6. Evie – an adorable version of Eve for the night before Christmas!
7. Hope – if Christmas isn't the most hopeful time of year, we don't know what is!
8. Juniper – after the sweet smelling tree that thrives at this time of year!
9. Lumi – a Finnish word for snow.
10. Maria – after the woman of the hour herself, Maria is the Latin for Mary. Bring this gorgeous traditional name back please!
11. Nevada – meaning 'snow capped' in Spanish.
12. Nollaig – Irish for Christmas.
13. Nora – meaning light.
14. Paz – pronounced Path, this is a Spanish name meaning peace.
15. Stella – meaning star!
For your little boy:
1. Aaron – the name of the Little Drummer Boy
2. Aster – meaning star.
3. Caspar – this isn't just the name of a friendly 80s ghost, but the name of one of the three wise men!
4. Clarence – after the angel in the world's favourite Christmas movie, It's a Wonderful Life.
5. Cole – a shortened version of Nicholas, popular in Canada.
6. Felix – calling on the spirit of the season!
7. Franky – a cuter version of Frank after the gift if Frankincense that Mary received from one of the Wise men.
8. Kit – short for Christopher, and alternative to Chris.
9. McCauley – after McCauley Culkin, from the Christmas classic, Home Alone
10. Nat – after Nat King Cole who's velvet voice melted hearts with The Christmas Song in 1961
11. Neve – a Latin word for snow.
12. Rí – the Irish word for King.
13. Stevie – an adorable version of Stephen for the day after Christmas!
14. Theodore – meaning gift if God. We love Theo or Teddy for short!
15. Tim – you can't go wrong with a Dickensian name this time of year! Tim is the little boy from A Christmas Carol.