26 gorgeous Irish names for your baby (and how to pronounce them)
Irish names sound and look beautiful, and it's no surprise that many people opt for a name as Gaeilge for their little one.
So if you are looking for something a little more traditional, we have 26 below to whet your appetite.
1. Aoibhe (Eva) – meaning beauty
2. Ailbhe (Al-va) – meaning white
3. Bébinn (Bev-in) – meaning melodious woman
4. Caoimhe (Kee-va) – meaning gentle
5. Éabha (A-va) – meaning life
6. Fíona (Fee-o-na) – meaning fair
7. Laoise (Lee-sha) – meaning radiant girl
8. Máire (Moy-ra) – meaning wished for child
9. Naoise (Nee-sha) – meaning unknown
10. Rígnach (Ree-nach) – meaning queenly
11. Roisin (Ro-sheen) – meaning little rose
12. Saoirse (Seer-sha) – meaning freedom
13. Caolan (Keelin) – meaning slender
14. Cian (Kee-an) – meaning ancient
15. Daithí (Dah-hee) – meaning nimbleness
16. Diarmuid (Deer-mid) – meaning without enemy
17. Eógan (E-own) – meaning born of yew
18. Faolán (Fay-lawn) – meaning little wolf
19. Fítheal (Fee-hal) – meaning a goblin
20. Muadhán (Moo-aw) – meaning noble
21. Murchú (Mur-coo) – meaning hound of the sea
22. Pádraic (Paw-rick) – meaning noble
23. Ríordán (Rear-dan) – meaning bright
24. Rodán (Row-dawn) – meaning hearty
25. Sean (Shawn) – meaning God's gift
26. Tadgh (Tige) – meaning poet