22 important things to teach your daughter before she grows up
As women, we know just how hard growing up can be. And, as mums, we want to do as much as we can to prepare our daughters for whatever life throws at them.
Yes, they can be stroppy, confrontational, and emotional, but they are also strong, fun and pretty incredible to watch growing up.
In order to ensure they are able for adulthood, here are 22 things you should teach them before they hit the teen years.
1. How to take a compliment
2. How to use a fire extinguisher
3. How to budget
4. How to check the car for oil
5. How to change a tyre
6. How to listen without judgement
7. That it is important to stand up for what you believe in
8. Yet equally important to allow others to have their own beliefs
9. That it is OK to be wrong – once you stand up and admit fault
10. That there is no such thing as perfection
11. While it is important to work hard for your goals, it is also important to take time for yourself
12. To eat breakfast
13. To treat yourself
14. To be open and honest when things are getting too much
15. How to make her own money
16. That it is OK to wear a princess dress one day
17. And a tracksuit the next
18. That the only person they need to really impressive is themselves
19. What to do if they find themselves in a vulnerable situation
20. How to stay safe when out with friends
21. To never walk home alone
22. To fight for what she believes in