Family Life

17 annoying things kids say (and how we REALLY want to respond!)

We love our kids, God knows we do, but we all can agree they have a very special ability to annoy the life out of us at times.

This usually comes from a very repetitive list of phrases they throw our constantly with the sole purpose to drive us mad. Well, that’s what it feels like anyway!

And we know you’re supposed to have all these super parenting responses that diffuse the situation or make them think about what they’re saying yada yada yada, and we try our best we really do.

But sometimes we just want to respond in a sassy way – and because we’re only human we often do!

Here’s what we consider the definitive list of the annoying things kids say and how we wish we could respond:

1. Are we there yet?

How about you just assume we’re not until the car comes to a halt and I park? How about that?

2. “NO!”

If you say no one more time I’m selling your bike.

3. “MINE!”

Nope, contrary to popular belief (yours) not everything belongs to you. In fact, bearing in mind the world’s wealth you probably own approximately 0000000000000000000000000000.1% of it.

4. “Mum!” / “MAMMY” / “Maaaaam!”

Yes, I’m over here honey, hiding under the kitchen table beneath all these cushions.

5. “Not fair!”

Life’s not fair pumpkin pie. You will learn in time when you experience a crushing disappointment worse than not being allowed to bring your dinner into your bedroom.

6. “I didn’t ask to be born.”

Well aren’t you lucky you were anyway?

7. “Look mum, look mum, look mum, look mum, LOOK MUM.”

Please, for love of God, stop showing me worms. Or your snots.

8. I HATE tuna / cheese / ham / insert food item here

That’s funny, because you loved it yesterday.

9. “I don’t like it”

You and I both kid.

10. “I need a drink.”

So do I. Wine.

11. “HE / SHE / THEY did it!”

Are you willing to go under oath?

12. “I’m not tired.”

Well I am. And it’s your fault.

13. “Mammy wake up!”

Please stop jumping on my abdomen or I will wet the bed.

14. “I HATE you!”


15. “Why?”

Here’s a book on Socrates, one of the greatest philosophers in history. He’ll explain all.

16. “You’re not the boss of me.”

Let’s back up a bit. Who washed your clothes, made you dinner, tidied your room and took you to your dance class? Who’s the one really getting the good deal here?

17. “You never let me do anything.”

Well, I’m going to allow you to do the washing up. How's that for compromise?

Did our list give you a good laugh, mums? And can you relate?

What do your kids say that really tips you over the edge? And how do you respond?

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