Mum's Life

13 things you'll find at the bottom of your 'mum bag' (if you dare look)

When you become a mum, it's inevitable that your normally pristine and fancy handbag becomes a holdall for basically your life.

It's the carrier of your wallet, and your child's dirty socks. It holds your dearest treasures (like your phone charger) and items that you haven't quite found a home for yet (like that weird squishy toy your little one brought home from school). 

So, if you haven't had a good root in your bag recently, we dare you to take a peep now, and we guarantee you'll find at least one of these…

1. Snotty tissues

That are definitely not yours. Vom.

2. A tiny plastic toy

Probably from McDonald's or the like.

3. A sock 

Because you wanted to keep it in a safe place 'till you found its match.

4. A leaky pen 

That you couldn't possibly throw away… sure, you never know when it might come in handy, like

5. A mushed up lipstick 

That your kid had used to draw smiley faces on the car window.

6. A brochure for a spa resort 

That you told yourself you would absolutely treat yourself to. That was 12 months ago. 

7. An expired coupon 

That should have been used in 2016.

8. 50 million receipts 

Because you never know when you might need to return something. 

9. A broken bobbin 

That you insist on keeping because, sure, you can always tie a knot on the end and it'll be 'as good as new'.

10. Crumbs

From some unknown source. 

11. Bobby pins

In case of an emergency. 

12. A dried wipe 

That has some sort of yellow stuff on it. 

13. A phone charger 

Because the fear of your phone running out of battery is just too real. 

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