10 thoughts all mums have on the first day of school
The first day of school is an emotional roller coaster!
You can hardly believe your baby is all grown up and headed into the world of learning.
Here is a list of 10 thoughts that will go through your mind on the big morning…
"My kid is growing up so fast"
It feels like just yesterday I was in labour, and now look at you! School bag on your back, ready for action. How I wish I could freeze time!
"Oh god I am getting old too"
UGH if you're getting older, that means so am I! I wonder if the other parents will be as old as me?
"We're going to be late!"
How can we be late on the FIRST day? Hurry up and tie those shoes kid!
"I can't leave my kid here"
What is this place? I can't leave my little one here! I hated school, this is unfair!
"Did I dress my kid correctly?"
Do you think it's okay that my kid dressed like a superhero today? I let them choose!
"I hope my kid make friends"
I cannot wait to see what pals my kid makes! A whole new gang of little ones for me to entertain!
"The teacher better treat my kid like royalty"
Well, hello Miss teacher! You better treat my child like an ANGEL!
Wooohoo I'm free! I can run errands in peace, get my nails done, and binge watch Netflix!
"I miss you already"
My heart hurts! Only 6 hours and 34 minutes until I can be reunited with my baby!
SHARE if you can relate to our first day of school experience!