
10 important things to remember when working out with a BUMP!

Just because we’re pregnant doesn’t mean we’ve suddenly got carte blanche to spend the next nine months sitting on the sofa eating ice-cream. Sure we can do that MUCH more, but exercise is still important for our physical health and mental well-being – and of course for baby’s health too.

And not only that, research shows exercising when pregnant aids an easier labour – and if that’s not enough to get you moving, we’re not sure what will.

Here are ten important things to remember when exercising with that bump:

1. If you’re a weights aficionado, you can still lift! Just go down in heaviness and reps as your pregnancy progresses.

2. Walking is your best friend. It’s gentle, and an instant stress reliever. Stick on your favourite music and take it outdoors.

3. Listen to your body. If you’re feeling tired, or sore, don’t continue with what you’re doing. Take a break and switch to something gentler.

4. Instead of jogging, use the cross trainer. This way you’ll still get your cardio workout, but without putting any undue pressure on your hips or joints.

5. Stay away from exercises where the blood will rush to your head, especially during the first trimester – they may make you feel dizzy or nauseous, NOT what you want when you’re battling morning sickness!

6. Target the important muscle groups (you know what we mean!) Focus on exercises that work the glutes, inner thighs, abs and pelvic floor. Strengthening and lengthening these will better accommodate your growing baby.

7. And talking of your pelvic floor, keep doing those Kegels! Kegels, if you’re not acquainted with them yet, are a way of tightening and untightening the vaginal muscles, strengthening that pelvic floor – a must for an easier labour.

8. Keep that head higher than your heart. With your blood volume increasing a whopping 50%, the heart has to work harder. We recommend investing in a pre-natal wedge for floor work rather than an exercise mat.

9. Pregnancy yoga and Pilates are a double-whammy in that they’re a brilliant way to lengthen and strengthen those abdominal and pelvic muscles AND they’re super de-stressing.

10. Now’s not the time to kickstart a hardcore fitness regime – we’re talking gentle, holistic workouts here!

Have you found these tips helpful mums? And if you're an old hat at this 'mum thing' what exercise did you favour when you were pregnant? We'd love to hear from you!

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